Learning Ā DogĀ Blog

Off-Leash Adventures: Is Your Dog Ready? leash walking life with dogs social dog Oct 04, 2024

Are you among the many people who want their dog to be off-leash reliable?  Numerous training options exist for people to train their dogs to be off-leash. The idea is that dogs can be off-leash if they learn specific skills.  Those skills usually include look or attention, recall, heel...

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I Need My Dog to Behave NOW certified dog trainer dog behavior leash walking stressanddogs Apr 24, 2024

Time. It’s a valuable resource. There never seems to be enough time in a day to do all the things. We love life hacks that simplify things, giving us more of our valuable time. Sometimes, there are no hacks. Learning something new, say a foreign language, takes time. There are no shortcuts....

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Leash Laws: Love 'em or Hate 'em, It's Still the Law leash laws leash walking life with dogs off leash dogs Oct 26, 2023
You may have strong feelings about leash law requirements. Perhaps your dog has been the victim of an attack by off-leash dogs. Or maybe you’ve been bitten by an off-leash dog. Recently, a client’s dog was injured when an...
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